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Welcome & thank you for visiting of our website.

We were established in 2003 as a limited trading company to export industrial papers, textiles and fashion clothes, and have continuously devoted ourselves to our growth evolution of providing some advantages & profits to our partners & customers according to our company name with a hole heart.

As the result of that, we could attain to U$2,000 in 2016. Particularly we got the 10 million Export Tower from the president of Korea through exporting to more than 10 countries included Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, etc. in 2016.

In 2017 to succeed in 2016, we are designated as a ‘Global Market Developer’(GMD) by the Minister of MSS (Ministry of SMEs and Startups), and the ‘Certified Trading Company’(CTC) by the Minister of Trade, Industry & Energy and the Chairman of Korea International Trade Association. Through this opportunity, E-WOO Trading stood as a general trading company to deal in various goods such as cosmetics, electric & electronics, food, necessaries of life, etc.

We will be a more progressive firm as a global trading company to expand the worldwide market by activating the field management in order to cope with the rapid changing of global business surroundings and listen to the diversity of voices in the fields.

We will surely repay for a many people to have supported us with unforgotten our original intention.

Thank you.
Sang Yong Choi / President & CEO